Fernanda Bretones Lane é Bacharel e Licenciada em História pela PUC-SP (2008) e  Mestre em História Social pela USP (2013). Foi bolsista do CNPq (2007, PIBIC-CEPE), da Fundación Carolina (2009-2010) e da Fapesp (2011-2013). Sua dissertação de mestrado, intitulada Notícias Insurgentes. Política, escravidão e imprensa periódica em Cuba no Contexto das Independências ibero-americanas (1811-1823), analisa as noticias publicadas em periodicos cubanos relativas a escravidão e aos movimentos insurgentes da América Espanhola.  Atualmente, cursa o programa de Doutorado na Vanderbilt University em Nashville, Tennessee.

Fernanda Bretones Lane has a B.A. in History from PUC-SP (2008) and a Master's degree in Social History from the University of São Paulo (2013), where she studied with Professor Rafael Marquese. Her thesis examines the Cuban press during the collapse of the Spanish Empire in the Americas (1811-1823). Fernanda received grants from the Foundation for National Research in Brazil (CNPq), from Fundación Carolina in Spain, and from the state of São Paulo’s research funding agency (FAPESP). She is currently a PhD student in the History Program at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.

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